December 31, 2020
Happy New Year from ONA!
December 25, 2020
November 29, 2020
December has Arrived in Oakhurst!
As the end of 2020 (finally) draws near, be sure to check out this month's issue of The Oak Leaflet online! December's newsletter includes lots of photos from the "Great ONA Halloween Trunk or Treating at a Social Distance" event, the results of ONA's Fall Decorating Contest, info on upcoming December events, Chanin's President's Message, our latest COPs and Treasurer's report, and more!
As always, you may visit our Newsletter Archive to view or download past issues.
November 26, 2020
October 29, 2020
Your November Oak Leaflet is Here!
This month's issue of The Oak Leaflet is now online. Read about this month's "Oakhurst Gem": the Stagecoach Ballroom, as well as a Rosie the Riveter garden project at the Vintage Flying Museum (at Meacham Airport). Catch up on current happenings with Chanin's President's Message, the monthly COPs report, and announcements regarding current activities and events.
October 25, 2020
This Saturday: ONA Trunk or Treat!
ONA Trunk or Treat, Oct 31st from 4-6 pm
A great time to be social at a distance!
So mask up, costume up and come have some fun.
No children, not can still be part of the fun! Just decorate your car trunk and bring some treats or candy to hand out to the children attending.
Contact Glenda (817.975.4653 or if you would like to know more about the event or would like to have your car in the event. We are also asking for donations of candy and individually-wrapped treats.
September 28, 2020
October Oak Leaflet - Now Online!
This month's issue of The Oak Leaflet is now online. Inside, you'll find info on veggie gardening in Oakhurst (and raising chickens!), Chanin's President's Message, ONA officers' reports, info on our upcoming Oakhurst Trunk or Treat and Fall Decorating Contest events, a new Oakhurst Gem, and more!
September 23, 2020
ONA Walk of Honor celebrates Libby Willis
From ONA President Chanin Scanlon:
All - please join me in congratulating Libby Willis as this year's Walk of Honor inductee. Libby’s accomplishments can be viewed in the accompanying video and her Walk of Honor stone can be seen in the West Lotus cul-de-sac along with all the past recipients stones.
September 1, 2020
North Texas Giving Day - Fundraising for FOOP!
September is Here!
Oakhurst neighbors, this month's issue of The Oak Leaflet is now available online! You'll find a very unique Yard of the Month story, Chanin's President's Message, our latest COPs report, and more.
July 31, 2020
August Oak Leaflet Online Now
As always, you may visit our newsletter archive to view or download past issues.
July 3, 2020
CANCELLED: ONA 4th of July in the Park
June 28, 2020
The July Oak Leaflet is Here!
As always, you may visit our newsletter archive to view or download past issues.
June 18, 2020
Bubble Bus Co. in Oakhurst Today!
- Follow and Like @BubbleBusCo on Instagram and Facebook
- Watch their story posts on Facebook and Instagram to see the stopping point locations and times.
- Keep them in mind for future events.
- Buy their super cool t-shirt and/or handmade @SitDogCollar
- Share their story!
May 31, 2020
June Oak Leaflet - Food Trucks, Golf, and More!
May 29, 2020
Announcing the Oakhurst Walk-a-thon!
April 30, 2020
May Oak Leaflet - Now Online!
As always, you may visit our Newsletter Archive to view or download past issues.
April 5, 2020
CANCELLED: April ONA General Membership Meeting
March 29, 2020
Get Your April Oak Leaflet Online!
As always, you may visit our newsletter archive to view or download past issues.
Stay safe, Oakhurst!
March 18, 2020
CANCELLED: March ONA Executive Board Meeting
After speaking with the board members we have decided to cancel the March executive board meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I hate to say it be we may also have to postpone the April 14th meeting. We will be keeping an eye on matters and will let you know as soon as we can.
Stay sanitized, Oakhurst.
February 29, 2020
March Oak Leaflet Online Now!
As always, you may visit our newsletter archive to view or download past issues.
February 3, 2020
2/11: ONA General Membership Meeting
Attached is the agenda for the February general membership meeting. See you all there!
(Click on the image below to view larger)
ONA General Membership Meeting
February 11, 2020, 6:30 pm
Calvary Christian Academy Cafeteria
January 31, 2020
Get Your February Oak Leaflet!
As always, you may visit our newsletter archive to view or download past issues.
January 18, 2020
Seeking Volunteers: ONA Nominating Committee
It’s time for ONA to gather a nominating committee who will then choose the slate of candidates for officers and committee chairs for the 2020-2021 season. The nominating committee election will be held in February, so all interested parties please let me know by sending a note to As always, we will accept nominations from the floor.
Many thanks, Oakhurst.