October 28, 2017

Winter is Coming!

A message from ONA president Elizabeth Neumann:

Wow, can you believe it is November and October ended with 35 degree temperatures.  Winter is coming, and ONA has several upcoming events as we end the 2017 year.  Please consider attending the following events:  ONA Social on November 9th at 6:30pm at Glenda Shelton's home*, Santa in the Park on December 2nd at 10am*, and ONA’s Holiday Party on December 16th at my house at 6:30pm*.

ONA recently had our October General Meeting at the Calvary Cathedral gym with three outstanding and informative speakers:  Shelby Dooley—ONA Code Compliance officer, Wilma Smith—Project Manager TPW, Six Points Urban Village, and Douglas Gilford—ONA NPO officer.  The ONA Officers and Special Committees presented their reports** along with the Beautification committee announcing the Fall Decorating winners.  The Beatification Committee announced that they may have another contest...so wait for the announcement!

A special thank you to Phyllis and Fred Anglin for a very successful Police & Firefighters Appreciation Dinner, Glenda Shelton for an outstanding job with the numerous ONA events and to all the other ONA officers for their continuous commitment in making ONA a warm and special organization.

There is always something new to learn at ONA meetings as recently I learned that you can receive ONA website posts by clicking on "Follow ONA by Email" and "Follow ONA on Twitter" at the bottom of http://www.oakhurstfw.org and that the Oak Leaflets are archived in the Fort Worth Library.  We had a nice attendance at the ONA General meeting with a delightful buffet at the end.  Please remember to vote in the upcoming elections and stay warm as we approach WINTER.

With warm regards,
Elizabeth Neumann, ONA President

* Please review the Oakhurst’s Website and Oak Leaflet for events specifics

** President’s Report:
ONA 2017-2018 Goal and Objectives 

  • Goal # 1: Address ways to facilitate crime prevention in the Oakhurst Neighborhood within the 2017-2018 ONA term.
    • Objective 1 – Encourage increase participation in the Cops Program
    • Objective 2 – Bumper stickers distribution
    • Objective 3 – Determine a ONA Street Representative night-out
  • Goal # 2: Identify ways to effectively impact the traffic problems i.e. 18 wheelers, for Oakhurst in the next three months.
    • Objective 1 – Organize Traffic Committee
    • Objective 2 – Attend and City, State or Federal meetings concerning traffic impacting ONA
    • Objective 3 -  Participate in Riverside Alliance Meetings 
  • Goal 3: Review Oakhurst neighborhood conservation, 6 points Race Street and street repair and determine the best avenues to approach these concerns for the Oakhurst neighborhood by the end of 2017.
    • Objective  1 – Review options to address these issues
    • Objective  2 – Attend Meetings concerning these topics

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